Sunday, February 28, 2010

Horizon Lines

Curled up in the fetal position, drenched in sweat yet still shivering, and thanking god that at least I could watch the entirety of a 20km cross country skiing relay race (I hate daytime tv unless it is the price is right), I realized why I started stitching photos together. My reference for "Spiral" had a bridge in it. I've painted this bridge before, and did not want to do it again. So I photoshoped it out and covered it with a bad guess at trees. It was a good enough guess to forget I did it, but when I went to add in the detail there was none. So the I needed the tree line under the rise in the bridge in the top photo of my last blog to make this:

Horizon lines are tricky. They curve with the earth, but our brain says that they are straight. But if painted as a straight line, our brains say, "huh?" so the trick is to curve them ever so subtly. This curve has to be perfect, so a while back I made a rule that I would devote a full studio day to simply paint the horizon line. Free of the flu, that was today.


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