Tuesday, March 29, 2011

The Fun of Blogging...

...comes in when you get to compress a bit of work into one post.

Here the painting is still a jumble of unfinished lines, but each tree dropped in makes another become more defined.

After looking at an insurmountable mess for so long, I only have five more trees to fill in this round, then one last big round of leaves.

The puzzle is coming together!

- jb boyd

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Delinquent Blogging...

...I have been suffering from of late. Apologies to my few faithful readers; I have no defense except to say that it is hard to come up with interesting things to say about leaves. Now that I've had a month plus to think about it, I still got nothing.

But plodding forth undaunted, the above image is from my last post, just to get back up to speed. Typically I paint one size of leaves in a section, but here there are little ones in the background and larger (and mostly red-ish because they are in shadow) leaves of a more foreground level. By building like this the tree gets wrapped, and everything begins to look a bit more three dimensional.

Stay tuned for more riveting news on leaves...

- jb boyd