Tuesday, May 31, 2011

With The Bulk Of Leaves Completed...

...I thought the hardest part behind me. Alas, I forgot that each branch requires two lines tapering towards a finite point, and so I could not put away the little brushes.

Each section is also a maze of lines requiring one to be painted on top of the next, creating depth on one hand, but also creating the puzzle of how not to drag an errant finger or palm through a wet branch while painting another.

So I continue to plod along, but with each area completed and each night at the easel (the detail above being one of both), the painting steadfastly moves towards its completion.

- jb boyd

Sunday, May 22, 2011

Delinquent Post

Unfortunately, my hard drive crashed and I have been busy getting it back up to date. But in that process I found a few photos that were meant for posting, but got ignored.

This is a detail from the bottom-center-right of the painting.

This is the same section, after a solid day's work.

Once again, the same section after three days in the studio. The pace is grueling, but at least the leaves are finally almost filled in.

And here they are filled in. Now I am off to paint branches!

- jb boyd