Thursday, August 19, 2010

The First Leg

9 states, three time zones, 1,740 miles, never letting the car completely cool off, and twenty nine hours later, I broke a few long standing personal records. All with a drooling sneezing pup as my co-pilot sleeping on my leg and occasionally kicking the car out of gear. But seeing that I pushed back the start of my summer psuedo vacation by a week to paint a couple hundred cacti and thousands of bushes, I needed to make up some lost time. So I drove as fast as I dared to push my ageing subaru (which a lot of the time was less than the posted speed limit to the chagrin of many a trucker), and reasoned life is too short for sleep. So out of my studio and into this big, weird country (more on that later) this blog will stay as untimely and quixotic as ever, and sooner or later I will tie it back into the art. Bear with me, there is a point. But it will not be made tonight. Tonight I sleep under the blue dot, which Tom Bodette graciously left on for me. Wish I packed sheets. Tomorrow, 420 more miraculous miles, and I am going to Jackson!


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