Thursday, February 10, 2011

There's A Light... the end of the tunnel. But I am not on a bullet train or even the Model A in "A River Runs Through It." Most often, it feels like I am manically pumping one of those hand carts in an old silent film ahead of a steaming locomotive and getting nowhere fast.

But there is a light as the background trees start to fill in. The detail below is roughly 15 x 20" and located in the right center of the painting. The bright white dots (again in the right center) are leaves that I missed on the first pass of yellow.

So now I get to paint, you guessed it, more leaves!

- j.b. boyd

1 comment:

  1. oh mon dieu this painting will be awesome when it is finished. How have you been? Sorry long time no talk, life is crazy, I need to escape to that island to slow down for a bit soon. ~Keli
