Monday, June 27, 2016

Three Photos...

...from my twelve state trip are in the early stages of editing. Photoshop does a great job of stitching these together (each image below is anywhere from 20 to 38 individual photographs) and if I decide to publish them, I will continue to edit each and fine tune the details (for example, straighten each horizon into a curve).

The top two have great promise, a pine stand from the Gulf Coast up top and a bayou off Lake Pontchartrain below. The last panorama is probably the prettiest truck stop I have ever had the pleasure of visiting.

And there are two more photographs that will most likely become paintings, but as the best paintings somewhat oddly come from rather plain photos, I've decided not to include them here. But by this winter they should be making an appearance!

Saturday, June 25, 2016

Twelve states... twelve days and my summer travels are over. There are few things better than getting off the highway and getting into new scenery. Here I am in a pine forest off 30A along the Gulf Coast. The edited panoramas are to follow, after finishing off some serious editing sessions.

Thursday, June 2, 2016

In Small Sections...

...the lily painting is starting to look finished! But only in sections...