...into a tidal flat, at night, on a flood tide, there is this irrational fear that the first step will submerge you up to your waist. The water, flat and still, is opaque and black as oil, seeming as deep as a barrel. Of course you don't sink, except that little muddy bit that sloshes water around the feet of your boots. Soon though, as you walk out, water begins to trickle in through that cut by your ankle. But you continue on, undaunted. Halfway there, you realize your boots aren't tall enough and you roll up your pants. When the ladder is in sight, you realize no amount of rolling will save your pants from getting thoroughly wet, and cursing the tide app that you now know why only got two stars, check your pockets to move your iPhone to higher ground. Four steps to go, and you know this black seeping darkness might reach the point of really uncomfortable, but you are almost there, and already very wet, so you practically jump to the safety of the ladder. Kicking one foot at a time up and back to dump the water out of your boots, you smile as you ascend the ladder. Mainly because this view greets you, and cold is only temporary.
Unfortunately, even with bucket science (as a devoted reader and very funny friend called it), Photoshop doesn't know what to do with this nighttime sonata (see earlier post), and it needs to be stitched manually. Hence the vertical lines. Oh well, life isn't supposed to be perfect, and that is also why there is a Plan C...
- jb boyd